dijous, 23 d’abril del 2009


Five Children and It
A. Write the words under the correct headings.
strange village surprised hand town eye country church stones buns gold coins tired face foot
Parts of the Body
Things with a Round Shape
B. Put the sentences in the correct order according to the story.
o a. Charles wishes for Mother to find Mrs Jones’ jewellery in her room.
o b. It goes into its hole and goes to sleep for a very long time.
o c. The children explore the forest near their new house.
o d. Anthea promises It that these are the final three wishes.
o e. Anthea wishes to be beautiful and then Charles wishes for gold coins.
o f. Yaz takes the children to visit the planet Kambo.
o g. Jane sees something moving in the sand.
o h. Martha tells the children about the thief.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

C. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences about the story.
1. fields / Major Brouwer / the / riding / in / is
2. ghost / storms / shouts / Major Brouwer’s / during / always
3. to / home / Ichabod / and / ride / begin / Gunpowder
4. under / they / hat / find / Ichabod’s / some / Finally, / trees
5. Ichabod’s / Everybody / about / disappearance / talking / is
6. Sleepy Hollow / An / important / farmer / with / returns / old / to / news
1. Ichabod tells his students ..... a. round Gunpowder’s neck.
2. A man rides to the school ..... b. when he goes to the party.
3. Ichabod passes fields of animals ..... c. a story about a cruel ghost.
4. Brom Bones isn’t happy because ..... d. Ichabod sees an enormous, black figure.
5. At 12.00 the farmers and their families ..... e. with an invitation for Ichabod Crane.
6. Behind the trees near the bridge, ..... f. Katrina is dancing with Ichabod.
7. Ichabod’s arms are ..... g. prepare to go home.
Cathy’s Dreams
B. Write T (True) or F (False) next to each sentence.
...... 1. Cathy’s biological parents are both dead.
...... 2. The tsunami killed people in Cornwall.
...... 3. Cathy saw Lion’s Rock in her dreams.
...... 4. Cathy went to Sri Lanka in spring.
...... 5. The children’s orphanage wasn’t there any more.
...... 6. Mrs Numa didn’t remember Cathy.
...... 7. Liyoni Janghi adopted Cathy’s twin.
...... 8. People use the biggest leaves on the tree to make tea.
...... 9. There aren’t any homes near the beach in Galle.
C. Match A and B to form sentences about the story.
1. Cathy’s parents adopted her ...... a. a train on the railway line.
2. The woman in Cathy’s dreams ...... b. an orange and white shell.
3. The cook from the orphanage ...... c. from an orphanage in Sri Lanka.
4. Cathy saw the lion’s feet ...... d. in her parents’ restaurant.
5. On the beach at Galle, Cathy found ...... e. had pretty eyes.
6. The tsunami wave hit ...... f. found a job in Kibissa.
7. Sukeena washed dishes ...... g. on the rock.
The Roman Coins
B. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences from the story.

1. can / help / coins / the / Maybe / Steven / Ben / find
2. a lot of / the / map / on / trees / There / are
3. takes / Mrs Marsden’s / Mr Harvey / shed / the / to / boys
4. shape / the / remembers / next to / Steven / X / the
5. something / on / Suddenly, / Ben / jumps
6. in / Fishbourne / writes / Roman / coins / about / The / newspaper / the

Mrs Marsden Grandma the policeman Grandpa Steven Mr Harvey Ben
C. Who is speaking? Write the name of the person next to each sentence.
1. “I love this house. I don’t want to leave it.” ....................................
2. “I must write a project on the Romans.” ....................................
3. “You found the coins for me. Now I’ll be rich.” ....................................
4. “Come inside and have some hot chocolate and cake.” ....................................
5. “I can’t run now. I’ll hide. Go without me. I’ll be OK.” ....................................
6. “We’ll bring Mr Harvey to the police station and interrogate him.” ....................................
7. “These aren’t our coins. I’m going to give them to the museum.
The Magic Pen

A. Complete the sentences with words from the box to find the name of a character in the
story. Write the name in the space.
1. The pen started to _ _ _ the flying machine.
2. Did Alan and his father _ _ in the accident?
3. David and Ann _ _ _ _ _ the classroom door.
4. There are books about Durham in the _ _ _ _ _ .
5. Jimmy _ _ _ _ _ _ a picture of his house.
6. David won a _ _ _ _ _ _ .
7. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ published David’s story.
8. Jimmy wrote his name in the _ _ _ inside the desk.
The name of the character is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
library painted die newspaper computer closed draw wood
1 2 3 4
6 7 8
............................. ............................. ............................. .............................
............................. ............................. ............................. .............................
C. Write T (True) or F (False) next to each sentence.
...... 1. At the start, David didn’t know anything about Durham in 1906.
...... 2. The pen started to write when the bell rang.
...... 3. The pen wrote about Jimmy’s 14th birthday.
...... 4. The Wright Brothers designed a flying machine.
...... 5. David got a paintbrush for his birthday.
...... 6. Jimmy became a famous artist.
...... 7. The magic pen finished the story.
...... 8. Jimmy Reed visited David at school.


Intermón Oxfam és una ONG (organització no governamental) que porta a terme projectes solidaris a tot el món. El proper dissabte 25 celebra la Festa de l'Esperança, en què vol donar-se a conèixer simultàniament a 48 ciutats de l'Estat. Una d'elles és Mataró. Per saber-ne més, cliqueu els enllaços. En el primer us podreu descarregar gratuïtament i legalment música, vídeos, imatges...En el segon hi trobareu informació sobre l'acte que es durà a terme a Mataró, per si us ve de gust anar-hi.



Hi ha quatre premiats de la nostra classe: la Laura, en Marc T., la Cheima i la Lorena. Moltes felicitats!

dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2009


Què en saps, de John Lennon?
Clica aquí i en sabràs més


Què n'opines?
Escolta les dues cançons proposades, amb l'ajut dels subtítols i en grups de tres redacteu un breu text sobre què necessita el món.

dilluns, 20 d’abril del 2009


A căzut o frunză-n calea ta
A căzut o frunză-n calea ta
Rătăcind pe-a vântului aripă.
Ai zărit-o şi-n aceeasi clipă
Ai strivit-o călcând peste ea.
N-avea grai să strige în urma ta,
Nici puteri să spună cât o doare
Şi-a rămas pierdută în cărare,
Ploi şi vânturi trecut-au peste ea.
Stătea lipită de pământ şi se întreba
Ce ar face dacă vântul ar lua-o
Şi-o clipă în palma ta ar aşeza-o
Dar a rămas acolo undeva.
A căzut o frunză-n calea ta
Şi cine ştie câte or să mai cadă
Dar n-ai să ştii nicicând
Şi nu-ţi va da prin gând
Că prima frunză ce-a căzut în drumul tău
Am fost eu.

Bats fly into the sky.
Flip flying into the clouded black eye.
Cats tip toeing across my toes.
Into the witches hands they go.
Ghosts say boo
haunting kids and scaring adults.
Vampires fangs suck blood
turns the victim into what it was.
Say goodbye to what you heard
Goodbye to cats, ghosts, bats, and witches.
Goodbye to you and good luck on halloween night.
Ha Ha Ha (Rachel Anne Lippard)

Bonne année à toutes les choses :
Au monde! à la mer! aux forêts!
Bonne année à toutes les roses,
Que l'hiver prépare en secret.
Bonne année à tous ceux qui m'aiment
Et qui m'entendent ici bas...
Et bonne année,aussi, quand même
A tous ceux qui ne m'aiment pas!

تَرْتِب الوَقْت
مِثْلَ السَّاعَةمِثْلَ السَّاعَة
تِكْ تَكْ تِكْ تَكْ
دَوْماً أبَداً
رَتِّبْ وَقْتَكْ
اِنْهَضْ بَاكِر
وَاحْفَظ دَرْسَك
اكْتُبْ وَاقْرَأ
هَذِّبْ نَفْسَك
أرْكُضْ وَاقْفِزْ
قَوِّ جِسْمَك
أنْشُدْ أغانٍ
نَشِّطْ فِكرَكْ
مِثْلَ السَّاعَة
تِكْ تَكْ تِكْ تَكْ
دَوْماً أبَدا
رَتِّبْ وَقْتَكْ

*Ordenar el tiempo
Como el reloj tic tac tic tac
Siempre nunca
Ordena tu tiempo
Levántate pronto
Memoriza tu lección
Escribe y lee
Edúcate a ti mismo
Corre y salta
Haz fuerte tu cuerpo
Recita canciones
Haz ágil tu mente
Como el reloj
Tic tac tic tac
Siempre nunca
Ordena tu tiempo*

Filastrocca di primavera(Gianni Rodari)
Filastrocca di primavera
Più lungo è il giorno,più dolce la sera.
Domani forse tra l'erbetta
spunterà qualche violetta.
Oh prima viola fresca e nuova
beato il primo che ti trova,
il tuo profumo gli dirà,
la primavera è giunta, è qua.
Gli altri signori non lo sanno
e ancora in inverno si crederanno,
magari persone di riguardo,
ma il loro calendario va in ritardo.